Sunday, March 16, 2008

Replacing an iPod Hard Drive

During my hours in the shop it's nice to listen to music and pod casts. WorkTunes hearing protectors make that possible, even while the machines are running. (I wish they had a Bluetooth version to get rid of the chord). Eventually my iPod began to lock up and I finally got the "unhappy face" icon. After checking out the Apple website, I determined a call to Tech Support, would be necessary to see what a repair would cost on my older model iPod. Apple turned out to be incredibly unhelpful and told me I had to take it to an Apple Service Center. -Read More

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Workshop Renovation Part II

Utilizing scraps from other projects is made much easier if you can find them. My old scrap bin was not only a mess and unworkable, but it was also taking up a lot of "real estate" in my cramped garage shop. I found an interesting solution in a book Workshop Projects (available Rockler Hardware) that showed a mobile wood rack. Making a few modifications to meet my own needs, I decided to build one.-Read More